It can happen to the best of us. You’re applying your make up in the mirror and everything looks flawless – or so you think. Just after you jump in the car to head off to dinner with friends, you pull down sun visor for one last look in the mirror.
Much to your dismay, you see that your foundation is uneven and your eye shadow just isn’t quite the color you thought it was. Most likely, these are all symptoms of poor makeup mirror lighting. When it comes to applying makeup, there are a few lighting factors you should always consider.
It’s the same case every time: You look one way in your bathroom mirror and then completely different everywhere else. But the problem isn’t your makeup skills; it’s your lighting, which, when done wrong, seriously affects your morning makeup routine.
Fluorescents can make us put too much on, and rosy lights can make us miss spots. Our makeup studios (aka bathrooms) deserve better illumination, and so do our faces. Best Lamp For A Vanity Table.
Have you ever headed out into the day feeling completely self-assured, only to cringe later when you glance in the mirror and catch an obvious foundation streak or zit you totally missed covering up?
The problem may not be your makeup skills—it could be the lighting in your bathroom. We’ve asked top interior experts how to get the perfect illumination to see and apply your makeup so you can walk out that door confidently.

How can I add lights to a table-style vanity for best results?
I’m buying my wife a vanity for our bedroom. Right now, she uses the bathroom pedestal-style sink, balancing her things precariously on the edge. The lighting in there is good, with a bright fixture on either side of the mirror and a strong overhead light. best desk lamp.
The vanity I purchased is the three-mirror kind (the two side mirrors swing inward), with a chair and drawers. I’d like to provide some stylish but functional lighting.
So it has to be bright enough, but probably not an open bulb staring into her eyes. Table lamps are possible, as are floor lamps that stand in back maybe. Electrical supply is not an issue.
It doesn’t matter how many YouTube tutorials you watch to master the art of contouring or creating evenly winged eyes. If your lighting is off, you more than likely won’t get camera-ready results.
In order to create a flawless finish, you’ll need toss out any unflattering lighting and ensure you’re working in conditions that offer the best brilliance. More at
We’ve gathered our favorite tools that will give the dimmest areas picture-perfect lighting. From cell phone cases to elegant vanities, there are more ways than one to get flawlessly even coverage with every swipe. Scroll down to discover six lighting options that will change your makeup game.
The major idea for makeup/hairdressing is to not to create any shadows on the face, that is why it is so typical to have a the rows of bulbs around the mirror.
Whatever you can do to minimize shadows will be the best for makeup application. The worst kinds of shadows are when you have very tightly directed light solely from below (think flashlight under the chin on camping trips) or from above, so avoid that.
Try to have light from a few different sources on the sides of the vanity, and maybe one from above the vanity. Try it out to see if you have shadows under your nose, eyes, or chin, and adjust accordingly. More at